Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Flavor & Nutrition Alchemy

Every Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 AM until 4 PM, here at Avanti Cafe, on our brunch plates you'll find a delicious organic brown rice medley to start your weekend day w/ a flavor & nutrition blast.  But did you know that there is a lot of alchemy going on in each pot of the tasty nutritious grain ...

Brunch rice ready to cook:

To every pot of rice we add the nutraceuticals reishi mushroom and nopales powder.

Reishi has been prized for centuries in traditional Asian medicine as a potent immune booster, cardiovascular support & allergy alleviator.

Reishi Benefits

Nopales provide anti oxidant support and are thought to reduce the risk of diabetes

Nopales Benefits

Our famous Avanti Golden Oil incorporates the ultra famous powerhouse root Turmeric

The Mighty Turmeric

as well as the lesser known but surely mighty fenugreek which is reputed to assist in cholesterol reduction and healthy skin & has been known to aid in good digestive health for centuries in Ayurvedic philosophy.

Learn about fenugreek

While our Avanti Brunch Rice is not spicy to the tongue, we do include two types of hot chili in the rice mix, red & yellow chili peppers, not to mention red sweet pepper powder as well.  As they are simmered in the organic brown rice cooking pot, they release flavor and nutrition, but not much heat.  According to Chili Pepper Madness, the benefits of chilis are numerous.  Notably, it has been reputed for years that chilis are potent blood purifiers.


Next we have the dried green herbal powerhouses.  Who knew regular use of dried herbs keeps us healthy and fit --- Well most folks in the medical professions from the beginning of time until the beginning of the 20th Century knew for real.  Then the industrial revolution took over everything including the doctor's office and we lost the ability to see medicinal value in anything other than pills, tablets and capsules.

Oregano is a powerful anti oxidant, anti bacterial and anti fungal herb and is thought to reduce pain

Oregano's benefits

then w/ thyme we have vitamin K & the ability to increase healthy fats

A stitch in thyme

Savory, also in the mint family has many of the same properties and is thought to be an appetite suppressant as well.  Eat a hearty Avanti Brunch, then a light dinner peoples

Savor your Savory

Mexican oregano is a New World native and actually in the verbena family.  It was known to the native peoples to boost the respiratory system and contains similar volatile chemicals to its European name sake hence the similar flavor.

Mexican Oregano

So you see, while our delicious brunch rice medley may be vegan and gluten free, it's packed w/ vitamins, nutrition, flavor & the alchemic knowledge of the ancients, each day being confirmed in new ways by ultra modern science.  You really can 'Spoon your way to excellent health!'

And here it is in all its flavorful & health giving glory paired w/ a extra favorite seasonal brunch special, Ratatouille Omelet Brunch. Come taste it this Sat & Sun too.  South Coast Farms heirloom eggplants are at the peak of harvest flavor right now.  Brunch is every Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 AM till 4 PM.

Ratatouille omelette.  Oo La La, organic eggplant, tomato & summer squash, garlic too.  Served w/ our famous rice and beans and multi-grain toast.

Eating Healthy & Delicious is a Win Win Win Situation!

Eat Live & Party Well 

As we say, eat w/ us several times a week and it’s likely you’ll become healthier than you already are!  And your taste buds will love every minute of it too. How many restaurants can legitimately make that claim !?!

Blog Post by Chef Mark Cleveland
Chef/ owner Avanti Cafe

Avanti Café  is a vegetarian & vegan friendly restaurant with many gluten free options [including our famous gluten free pizzas] in East Side Costa Mesa California [bordering Newport Beach].  Everything is custom made in house using the freshest ingredients.  We support local organic farms such as South Coast Farms in San Juan Capistrano using their fine produce in our dishes and hosting a Community Supported Agriculture site every Thursday.  We serve highest quality artisan beers in bottle and on tap, organic, biodynamic & sustainable wines, by the bottle and glass.  All of our desserts are made in house using organic whole grains, flours and sweeteners.  Always organic eggs & milk.  We make our own organic ricotta & feta cheeses in house and smoke organic mozzarella w/ bourbon soaked oak and chamomile.  Avanti is the longstanding leader in organic, sustainable, local, flavorful cuisine in Orange County.
Avanti Café on facebook   AvantiCafe on Twitter & Pinterest

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