Monday, October 29, 2012

Pizza Catarina Sorrentina

Quite of the social media age is this Avanti pizza creation in fast paced real time.  Scanning a feed, an East Coast focused charmer of a post popped up.  One click brought me to Rozanne Gold’s Sorrento Lemon Pizza post.

Glance of interest lead to implementation thoughts.  Let’s see, Ms. Catherine is plying us w/ the bounty of her small but profoundly prolific sour green lemon tree, I’m chock full of African purple basil leaves and blossoms, smoking organic mozzarella cheese in Bourbon soaked oak & chamomile is perpetually on my production list.  Pizza crusts, well, Avanti is known all over Orange County for our artisan organic whole grain Roman style pizzas so…..

The stage is set w/ the freshest ingredients.  We added a touch of our newest creation, fermented sea salt grapefruit reduction.

Topped w/ some roasted extra HOT chilies from South Coast Farms in San Juan Capistrano

Interestingly enough our Ingardia Produce rep Jon turned up w/ some terrific samples of fennel pollen and caviar limes just as we focused in on lemons and pizza.  Well, infusing an extra virgin olive oil w/ these flavors was a natural progression

These babies are as gorgeous as they are exotic.  Citrus flavor Pop Pops

How amazingly the caviar limes pop out & dance w/ flavor.  In they go w/ the fennel pollen to infuse fragrance and flavor into extra virgin olive oil.  

And there we have it, the Catarina Sorrentina Pizza inspired by the culinary creativity of our buddies on the East Coast & from our California garden fresh tool box.  Come taste our Avanti Cafe flavors in real time.

Eating Healthy & Delicious is a Win Win Win Situation!

Eat Live & Party Well 

As we say, eat w/ us several times a week and it’s likely you’ll become healthier than you already are!  And your taste buds will love every minute of it too. How many restaurants can legitimately make that claim !?!

Blog Post by Chef Mark Cleveland
Chef / Owner Avanti Cafe

Avanti Café  is a vegetarian & vegan friendly restaurant with many gluten free options [including our famous gluten free pizzas] in East Side Costa Mesa California [bordering Newport Beach].  Everything is custom made in house using the freshest ingredients.  We support local organic farms such as South Coast Farms in San Juan Capistrano using their fine produce in our dishes and hosting a Community Supported Agriculture site every Thursday.  We serve highest quality artisan beers in bottle and on tap, organic, biodynamic & sustainable wines, by the bottle and glass.  All of our desserts are made in house using organic whole grains, flours and sweeteners.  Always organic eggs & milk.  We make our own organic ricotta & feta cheeses in house and smoke organic mozzarella w/ bourbon soaked oak and chamomile.  Avanti is the longstanding leader in organic, sustainable, local, flavorful cuisine in Orange County.
Avanti Café on facebook   AvantiCafe on Twitter & Pinterest

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