Friday, August 22, 2014

Gin Martini Musings

Syrah grape + African blue basil + Sea salted grapefruit
Building the perfect gin martini requires a stoic gentle dexterity.  And I must admit, that while I’m a purist (no vodka & no applejack) I’m also a divergent martini iconoclast.  Simple prep method – lightly frozen, neither shaken nor stirred (bruises the gin), a host of garnishes filling the glass & no vermouth.  I’m a fan of the old gag that you merely reflect wistfully on Antonio Benedetto Carpano, the inventor of vermouth in 19th century Turin Italy, while you craft your gin martinis.  A whisper of reminiscence to perfume the air.

Gin is like wine, the herbs that dance around the juniper vary, and thus the subtly of flavors.  Explore the varietals. 

Here’s the method I prefer.  Into an impeccably clean glass vessel w/ a tight fitting lid, pour enough gin for your martini event.  Place into the freezer for up to an hour or so, but not much longer.  Into that same, clean and odor free freezer place your martini glasses as well. 

Let’s do return to the older style martini glass.  First, they are much more elegant than the auto funnel form we find in a 20 buck concoction of liquid propane.  A martini over 2 ounces is obscene.  We no longer drink like madmen, but still enjoy the possibility of a second or third libation in civilized company.  Plus, the journey from frozen to cool happens in just a few minutes, and a martini should never be guzzled. 

Ponder your garnish.  I go big, often three or four flavors.  Personally, and I’m sure that some will strongly disagree, I like a fully loaded glass.  But then, I’ve never met a fruit, herb or vegetable I didn’t like.  Never muddle.  The goal is not to impart strong flavors to the martini, but to infuse the garnish w/ the taste of the gin.  Gin laced cucumbers, chilis, grapes, tomatoes, olives, citrus, pickles & preserved delights complete the experience.  From the origin w/ the pimento stuffed olive, a gin martini is an activity of both eating and drinking.

Classic gin martini w/ Sicilian green & Moroccan black olive + Pickled red chile + Moroccan preserved lemon

"Would you like an olive?  Auntie Mame says olives take up so much room in such a little glass."
Patrick Dennis

“I like to have a martini, two at the very most –After three I’m under the table, After four, I’m under my host.”
Dorothy Parker

Cucumber + Basil + Cherry tomato + Sicilian green olive
Why don't you get out of that wet coat and into a dry martini?
Robert Benchley

Martinis are the only American invention as perfect as a sonnet.”
H. L. Mencken

“I never go jogging, it makes me spill my martini.”
George Burns

Eating Healthy & Delicious is a Win Win Win Situation!
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